Slider 02

To evaluate the influence of the humidification technology used during transport and storage on different products comprehensive analysis have been executed.

The results of the analysis for the case study products strawberries, table grapes, peaches, nectarines, cauliflower and escarole could be seen in the following table. Points have been distributing according to the analysis results: If a product offered the best result in comparison to the other products such best product achieved 5 points. The worse the result in comparison, the lower the distributed points for the other products.

The addition of all points per kind of product resulted in the ranking shown in the table below: all conventional transported and stored products occupied significantly the last places compared to same kind of product. The humidified and humidified and Formula 5 treated products achieved in average 2.5 - 3.5 times higher scores. Especially the humidified and Formula 5 treated transported and stored products offered best results for all products except strawberries.


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Download this file (Fresh Demo Flyer.pdf)Flyer Fresh DemoFlyer Fresh Demottz415 kB2017-02-22 12:322017-02-22 12:32

Publication of all case study results in the flyer for the Fruit Logistica 2017 - please find the flyer above.

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ttz and RFT attend the Interaspa 2017 in Hannover a fair especially for asparagus and soft fruit.

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